Tabletop Game Projects

Custom Character Sheets

I am developing a homebrew setting for the rules system Scum and Villainy by Stras Acimovic and John LeBeouf-Little. For this setting I wanted the warm feeling of a slightly messy, hand-drawn character sheet.


  • Staedtler lead holder and blue lead
  • Pilot G-2 07 color ballpoint pen
  • Off-brand engineer’s scale
  • Pigma Micron felt-tip pens
  • Clear acrylic makeshift lightboard
  • Inkscape 1.0


In Inkscape, I adapted my sketch into a printable template. To start using Inkscape as a vector graphics tool, I recommend the YouTube channel LogosByNick or a Lynda tutorial by Mike Rankin.

Tracing and Results

Using the printed template, I traced onto sketchbook paper using blue lead. I then ran over the blue tracing in felt-tip pen by hand.